Counselling for
Refugees & Asylum Seekers
At St Bs, we understand the barriers that some refugees, asylum seekers and migrants face in accessing talking therapies. Following the delivery of numerous outreach sessions in the community, we are piloting a project to provide psychotherapy and counselling to migrants and survivors of persecution and exile living in Norfolk.
What we offer
Our counselling service aims to provide a safe and confidential space where refugees, asylum seekers and migrants experiencing mental and emotional distress can come to talk about their feelings. We provide a tranquil environment where conversations can be held with respect and dignity. Our counselling is trauma-informed and relational. We offer medium-term therapy.
We offer an intake session followed by 12-15 sessions with an online Interpreter.
Referrals need to take place from health professionals or support organisations
It is important that, prior to making a referral, all referrers discuss the potential of working with St Bs with the person concerned. For many people the idea of getting help with their psychological distress is a new concept.
Contact admin@stbcc.org.uk for a referral form
Click here for a leaflet you can share with potential clients to help them better understand our service. (Arabic leaflet here)
For clients: what is counselling and how does it work?
You will meet with a Counsellor every week who will listen and support you with difficult thoughts and worries. Talking about these feelings can help. Our Counsellor can also talk with you about different ways that might help you to manage. The sessions are one hour long, every week on the same day.
If English is not your first language, we can provide an interpreter.