Our Rates
We are an independent charity who does not get funding from the government or the NHS. We therefore rely upon contributions to help run the Centre. This includes maintenance of our building, paying the bills and financing our volunteer Counsellors’ supervision and occasional training.
Our sessions are always less than the cost of private counselling and are tailored to what you can afford to pay. We agree this with you at your initial intake meeting. Special circumstances of financial hardship can be discussed. We don’t like to turn anyone away.
Individual Counselling Session
Intakes: £18
As a guide we suggest:
£18 per session for those on benefits
£20 per session for those on income less than £15,000
£25 per session for those on income £15,000-£20,000
£30 per session for those on income £20,000-£25,000
£40-£50 per session for those on income £25,000 + above
Evening Sessions (5-7pm) minimum charge £28.
(Card or BACS payments preferred)
Your circumstances - If you are unable to pay the minimum contribution of £18 per session, consideration will be given to your financial circumstances to ensure that we can offer you counselling.
Please pay by card on arrival or if your session is online or by telephone, then payment is required by electronic transfer (BACS) 24hrs in advance of your session. (Cash payments can be accepted with prior agreement).
Payment Details
St Barnabas Counselling Centre
The Cooperative Bank
Account No: 65311394
Sort Code: 08 92 99