
We receive no government or NHS funding.  Counsellors work for us free of charge, donating 10-15 hours of their time each month.  Many of our clients are referred to us by health professionals working in the NHS; this reflects the extent to which third-sector organisations are now on the frontline of mental health support and how we are needing to adapt our service to work with clients of increasing complexity.    

If you would like to help us in our work with a donation, however small, we would be extremely grateful. You can donate by sending us a cheque, or making an electronic transfer.

Alternatively setting up a monthly direct debit assists us to work sustainably into the future.

Bank details:
St Barnabas Counselling Centre
Account: 65311394
Sort code: 08-92-99

Reference: ‘Name of Institution/ Individual Donation’

Or you might like to call in and donate in person, our Director will be happy to talk to you about our work.

“I’ve had lots of counselling in the past but never felt as validated and listened to as I did in my sessions with St Bs.”