Leaving a gift in your will.
Leaving a Legacy for St Barnabas
The St Bs is a Registered Charity dedicated to providing affordable, professional and confidential counselling for individuals aged 18+. We recognise that those people most in need of counselling may often be least able to pay for counselling, and at St Bs every consideration is given to their financial circumstances. We are an open organisation with no religious affiliations, and people may self-refer. Over the years we have been able to provide much-needed support to thousands of individuals but our ethos of offering counselling to those less able to pay, means that we rely on money from other sources, such as from legacies. Every year St Bs helps hundreds of people in Norfolk and beyond who may be feeling despair, who may have issues that prevent them from achieving their ambitions and/or who seek a more fulfilling and positive outlook on life. This in turn often helps their families, carers and the wider community.
For some people, counselling can be a life-changing experience, from despair to hope.
If you would like to support our work through leaving us a legacy in your will, our director would be delighted to speak with you.
They can be reached at: director@stbcc.org.uk.
Your gift will help us to continue to provide much-needed counselling to those in distress. It will make a real difference now and to future generations.
Gifts to charities through a will are exempt from inheritance tax so it may help reduce the amount of tax payable if your estate (property, money and possessions less any debts you owe) is over the Inheritance Tax exempt threshold. Indeed, some people use gifts to charities as a way of staying within the tax threshold, therefore avoiding tax altogether. Up to date information on tax rates and thresholds can be found here.
St Bs is one of the largest independent counselling organisations in Norfolk, well respected by GPs and other health professionals, delivering tangible, positive benefit. This is an extract written by one of our clients (published with their permission):
“It's difficult to really put into words how much St. Barnabas has helped me to heal and move forward. The compassion, warmth and understanding I was afforded during my sessions has been some of the most valued of my life and I will always be appreciative.
There are a number of options when it comes to leaving a gift to us, and we recommend that you consult a professional such as a solicitor or will writer.
There are many options when writing your gift into a new will including:
Leaving to St Barnabas a share of what remains of your money and assets after all bills and gifts to family and friends have been settled. This is known as a residuary legacy.
Leaving a fixed sum of money to St Barnabas.
Leaving an item or items such as jewellery, a stamp collection or even the contents of your house.
Absolutely, even a small amount can help us continue our work. Little gifts are much valued; lots of little gifts from lots of people make a big difference.
If you would like any further information we would be happy to help you. Please ask for Cathy Austin, Director, on 01603 625222. We understand how private legacy wishes are, so anything you talk to us about will, of course, be confidential.
If you would like to help us by leaving a gift, please use the following words:
I give to the St Barnabas Counselling Centre, Derby Street, Norwich, NR2 4PU,
Registered Charity no. 1000797 either A or B:
_____% of estate, after payment of my debts, pecuniary legacies, funeral and administrative expenses and any taxes, to be used by St Barnabas at their discretion and I direct that the Trustees of St Barnabas Counselling Centre shall be a good discharge for my executors. Or,
the sum of £_______________ free of all inheritance tax to be used by St Barnabas at their discretion and I direct that the Trustees of St Barnabas Counselling Centre shall be a good discharge for my executors.
Yes, you can leave a gift using a 'Codicil' click here. This is a legal document adding to, or changing, an existing will. You cannot change or add anything to your current will by crossing anything out or adding to it, as such changes are not legally binding.
Some points to note with a Codicil:
It needs to be signed and witnessed like your current will.
It should be kept with the will but not attached to it.
St Barnabas values 'In Memoriam' donations. It is a positive way of remembering a close friend or loved one for the benefit of St Barnabas :
You can arrange a collection yourself.
You can make arrangements through a funeral director.
With a properly worded legacy, should your personal circumstances change, your will can automatically take account of this.
Gifts to charities in your will are generally exempt from inheritance tax. If you leave a charitable gift it will be deducted from your estate before inheritance tax liability is calculated.